Reasons that Your Feet Hurt and their Treatment

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is foot-pain.jpg Walking is actually considered to be among the most effective, the easiest and the most accessible types of exercise. This is true as long as one isn’t getting to deal with foot pain treatment in Sydney which makes every step taken miserable and agonizing. It was stated by the American Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society (AOFAS) that a massive 80% of women usually complain about foot problems and this really means that for the most of us, sitting on the couch has become a lot more appealing than going out for a walk.

Top 3 Reasons that your Feet Hurt and their Treatments:

1.     Flat Feet:

18 million Americans of ages 21 and above have been reported to have flatfeet. This condition occurs when the arches of a person’s feet become completely flattened. People are often born with the said condition, but it can be developed later because of any strain to the posterior tibial tendon. This is the tendon which links the bones and the calf muscles on the inside of feet. The posterior tibial tendon can become overused or inflamed by intense exercise or sports. Patients with flatfeet can often even develop bunion correctors and fasciitis.

Treatment: Wear orthotics:

In order to treat the condition of flatfeet, the patients must make sure that they’re wearing orthotics and the right shoes. This would help in forcing the feet to walk with a maintained arch. Orthotics can assist in absorbing shock from running or walking can even help avoid pain in the knees, ankles and back.

2.     Bunions:

Bunions Treatment Sydney are a condition in which painful, firm bump is produced at the big toe’s base and this causes the toe to swerve diagonally to the second one. This condition can worsen if someone constantly keeps wearing really tight shoes. The joints of the toes usually become painful because of shoes rubbing against them and can result in swelling, inflammation and redness.
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Treatment: Choose Appropriate Shoes:

People with bunions must make sure that they’re wearing appropriate and comfortable shoes to prevent bunions or even alternative to custom orthotics in Sydney’s Northern Beaches. The shoes should have a wider toe box. A space of a half inch between the longest toe and the edge of the shoe would be perfect and the shoes must not cause a lot of pressure on the toes and feet. Adding some padding can also give comfort and help lessen calluses or one can add alternative to orthotics Sydney to the shoes since these can enhance the biomechanics of your feet helping balance all the tendons and muscles and to prevent hammertoes from worsening or how to shrink bunions naturally.

3.     Achilles Tendonitis:

The Achilles tendons connect the heel bones to the back of your feet. And they can become inflamed and irritated when overused. This causes tendonitis which specially affects the runners and those who wear high heels a lot. Other causes include inflammatory illnesses such as plantar fasciitis Sydney, gout or rheumatoid arthritis.

Treatment: Rest, Ice, Repeat:

The sooner you pick this issue, the better it is. Once the cause is known, one must avoid any activity which worsens your pain for a week or more. Even when all you feel is a little pang, you must ice the area immediately. You can also take prescribed NSAIDs such as Advil or Motrin so as to ease your discomfort and reduce the inflammation.


Hopefully, this article would’ve helped you recognize some of the common reasons as to why your feet hurt and effective options orthotics for foot pain & plantar fasciitis treatment Sydney so you can get back on your feet sooner.
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