What To Do For Heel Pain

If you have been trying to find out what to do for heel pain, then chances are that you have come across articles that have suggested that plantar fasciitis is the most common cause of heel pain. However, the vast majority of cases of heel pain are not caused by one single factor. Although plantar fasciitis is an extremely painful condition of the foot, it is only one of several common causes for heel pain.

Heel spurs are actually small bone spurs that form on the heel bone of the foot. They occur when there is a strong and sudden pull or push on the plantar fascia – a thin fibrous band of tissue that runs between the heel and toes. Heel spurs can form as a result of severe foot injuries, but they can also be caused by a number of different foot conditions including flat feet, high arches or even overweight. Heel spurs are actually very common.

So, what to do for heel pain associated with plantar fasciitis? If you have an acute episode of heel pain accompanied by foot pain in general, you should seek medical advice first. Otherwise, the plantar fasciitis will simply get worse, and the heel spurs will increase in size and increase in pain with time. This is known as the Achilles’ tendonopathy.

In order to treat heel pain caused by plantar fasciitis, there are a few basic things that you can try. To start with, if the heel pain continues despite your treatment, then it might be a good idea to visit your doctor. He will most likely recommend a medication that will relieve the pain and also prescribe some inserts which will help protect the plantar fascia.

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Other things that you can try at home are ice packs, resting in a cool place (away from heat), using heating pads on the affected area, and using cold water with an ice pack wrapped in a cloth. These things will all help to alleviate your heel pain. If all else fails, make sure you give yourself lots of rest. Take plenty of breaks and try not to strain yourself. Try to avoid heavy physical activity too much.

Toe sprains are also very painful. They occur when you land on your toes with your feet stretched out without your heels. Usually this happens when you are rushing to do something, or when you are wearing shoes that are very tight. The inflammation will make it difficult for you to walk and can also cause corns and calluses to form. You should try to keep the area clean, and wear protective shoes when possible.

If all else fails, you could consider surgery. This is usually only considered if the heel pain is severe or if there are any other bones or nerves involved. If there is an issue with bone structure, such as a fracture, then a doctor may need to step in and take care of it. There are also several different surgical treatments available. Make sure that you talk to your doctor about all the options so that you can make an informed decision.

If none of these things works, then you will need to make an appointment with your podiatrist. He will assess your condition and will most likely prescribe a treatment plan. He may recommend arch supports or orthotic insoles. He will most likely also suggest surgery, although many times he will wait and see if the situation improves on its own. At times, there are complications from surgery that will prolong recovery time, so be prepared. Your podiatrist is your source for what to do for heel pain.

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